A Green Light For Luxury - Hotel Terra - A Recruiter's Point of View 8225562475563494558-blid-7344311674552309006


งวดก่อนให้ 52+767 ตรงๆ งวดนี้ ดูเลย 16 เมษายน 2562


Your average hotel room scene is familiar to all of us. We are lavished with a sea of packaging: individually-wrapped soaps and shampoos, piles of towels, stationary and daily newspapers. However, these days an oft-overlooked, eco-consciousness is beginning to permeate the hospitality market in varying degrees. With Hotel Terra Jackson Hole, the first in a collection of green hotels launched by the Terra Resort Group, 'green' has been elevated to a bold no-compromise level of luxury and comfort.
from: http://ezinearticles.com/?A-Green-Light-For-Luxury---Hotel-Terra---A-Recruiters-Point-of-View&id=2972529